Saturday, November 22, 2008

Swim Swim

I am soaking wet and in a horizontal position. I kick my arms and legs to keep moving, and I keep turning my head to breathe.

Am i:

Trying to get out of bed after another one of those "evil clown" nightmares? OR getting a bit too sweaty doing an aerobics video?

NO! I am in the water, swimming!

Some awesome pool views to share...

My apartment's pool.
In swimming, you can choose to specialize in a certain kind of stroke (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, or butterfly). Each stoke requires you to move your arms, legs, and body in a different way. Tough man...
Because cool water lowers your body temperature, you don't get as hot and sticky when you're swimming as when you do other forms of exercise or sports. Especially when you swim at the late evening, it is very comfortable to swim when sun goes down.
So, my friends ~ If you've never been swimming before, it's never too late to learn. ^_^ . Going swimming is very relaxing!

1 comment:

karenc 采茶女 said...

Eh, the main point is who u went swimming with. There, the macho and sporty guy ah.
