Wednesday, February 17, 2010

* Happy 2010 CNY *

Hi frens/pals. Yup. I have not been blogging for almost 1.5months. Time passes by; quicker than I thought. Lying down reading book & relaxing at dearest uncle's house in klang now. Cheers to the year of tiger (even though I dun like tiger, Haha).

Today marks the 4th day lunar new year of 2010. My deepest wishes to you out there: be happy, be gratitude of whatever you have now, take care of your health as you are not alone in this world now, and treasure your loved ones.

Oh wow it's raining now. Going to have a nap now (yesterday slept at 2am, heehee) ...


karenc 采茶女 said...

=_= For the passed few days i slept t 1-3am everyday and woke up at 8-9am and didnt nap in the afternoon. Then yesterday 失眠 zor, can't sleep at 11pm.. I am so freaking tired now lar.

slinnic said...

?? why you sleep so late wor?
