Sunday, February 15, 2009


Why is it that your best friend could be in the relationship from hell, your cousin could be in an uneventful marriage, but people still feel sorry for you for being single? Is something wrong here? Single life can be the most exciting time of your life.What's wrong with being single?

Visit any bookstore and you'll find dozens of books about relationships; how to keep them together, how to grieve the loss of a loved one, how to find and keep the "perfect" mate, how to satisfy your lover sexually, and the list goes on and on. Rarely will you find books on being single unless they relate to healing some aspect of yourself in preparation for a relationship.

The most annoying is ~ friends, family, and coworkers love to set singles up with blind dates (and we all know how satisfying those are). The message couldn't be clearer. It's not okay to be alone. You know who you are.... ya, is you!

Being single allows us to do what we want, when we want, and with whom we want without having to answer to anyone. Being single allows us to take full responsibility for paying our bills, cleaning and decorating, planning our activities, and entertaining ourselves. It allows us the time to sit quietly and comfortly in couch, to run naked around the living room, oops, haha.. This is because we have more time on our hands and are not avoiding looking at ourselves by focusing our energies on someone else.

Dun worry, i will still say yes to every opportunity to learn, grow and meet new people. It's best to go and branch out. Networking is essential to this point of life.

I am grateful for what I have. After the grieving period, I focus on what Ido have for example, good health and a good support system of family and friends, and a good career and additional side incomes I earn by being a Nuskin distributor. Well, one must have a productive day, and learn to love ourselves and also our loved one.

I realise many of us did not pay much attention to our family members. They do not deserve your time? Your warm hug? Your warm concern? I tell you They do! They deserve it! You spent so much attention on your dog, your internet, your partners, your job; spend sometime for them, for god sake.

I don't have to be dating somebody to have a intimate and fulfilling relationship with them. However, I am not afraid to invest myself in deep relationships with other people.

I decide myself if there are aspects of my life or my personality that I would like to change and do it. I am my best evaluator. I don't need to listen to those people who tell me that I am single because I am too "picky", or too old to meet someone else.

I am thinking about all the things I can do because i am now single. I could take off and go travelling without discussing it with somebody else. I can watch TV all day without being called lazy. I don't actually have to do these things but, sometimes, just the knowledge that I could, ya, this is enough to make me feel great.

=.= I have declined 2 dates on valentine's day, am I mad or what...


karenc 采茶女 said...

Being single, yes, u can do whatever you like. But then, the fact is cruel.. when u're starting to get older and older, ur body is not as enrgetic as before, all ur friends are married with grandchildren, what do u have with u? Money? Pet? U will need a soulmate who can listen to u, spend time with u or even take care of u. Not trying to be sacarstic, but it is true that u will feel lonely at the end of the day. Are u ready to accept a life like this?

Chin Weng 茶先生 said...


slinnic said...

xmm: Did i say that i wun get married in future? No right...
we are human & we hand our life to god one day. when i am old, of coz I could not be energetic as before, i believe not all my frens will get married lor, not say to curse them, this has become a trend. I will try to let myself to have a productive day and must make sure myself not falling sick or not getting those funny diseases (if i get, then is fated lor, i already started to take supplement and take more nutrition food leh). I try to make sure i'll have a productive day ~ can be involved in many activities such as gardening, dancing, read books, shopping. All these could not be accomplished if we do not have healthy body lor even if you have soulmate. I do not need soulmate to listen to me, as of now la, my family members will be there with me. When i need hug, i can hug them, when i need kiss, i can kiss my family, as long as they are healthy to stay as long live as me. When i need to talk, i can pray and talk to god too. haha. Will the soulmate feed me and my family? Will our kids and grandkids take care of us in future? no lor, better dun depend on them, becoz they will find hard to even feed themselves. I will pay and stay in old folks home if one day i cannot walk lor. choi choi choi... in short, i am enjoying my life now lar. One will feel lonely becoz he/she is too free. 24 hrs a day is really not enough for me ler. So, no time to feel lonely, only feel time flies like rocket lor.

SL: 对,选择是非常重要地, 既然选择了,就不要后悔, 没有后悔, 就没有机会想负面的东西, 如果思想正面积极, 就不会伤心的。如果后悔了, 想同了, 就归零咯, 从新再来咯。 怕就怕人一直钻牛角尖,怕丢脸,没有勇气面对。 人生的确无常, 因为,这才是人生啊。 漫漫人生,大家好好的规划吧。 千金难买好健康,只有好健康才能执子之手,与其皆老。也只有好健康,才能活的更精彩。 两位弟妹,需要再加油哦。

karenc 采茶女 said...

我的老 Gu(我外婆的弟弟)就是没有结婚。老了又有很多病,身边朋友都走到完了,只剩我外婆。外婆以前住在其中一个儿女的家,而他,我爸安排了一个地方给他住,常常送饭给他,去看望他。然而,他很寂寞。后来,我外婆病死了,在一个礼拜里面他也跟着去了。我是不想这样的事发生在你身上。对,不是说有儿有女他们就会养你。我们还是要存钱防身。



slinnic said...

XMM: 知足就会带来幸福,勉强不会有幸福,有人陪当然谁都想要啦。。

