Saturday, April 17, 2010

Me cooking...You kidding me? :P_part 4 (i guess..)

Aloha ~ Going to share my cooking skill today ~


Cheese baked mushroom, long bean cum capsicon. Wee~

Stirred mushrooms with butter, onion & garlic in oven ~

Add in long beans and capcicons ~

Lastly, add cheese on top, 220 degree for 10=15 mins. Yum~

Jiang jiang ~ Done!! It's delicious...


Fresh prawn bought by mum from Malacca ~

Used chilli source + a little bit of sugar~

The other portion uses stir-fried method. First time use prawn as ingredient, heehee, the prawns were not so delicious.


The easiest method to cook fish!

Fried until brownish color ;p

Done ~

~ Dinner Dish ~

Fried vegetarian ham, fried vege and frien mandarin pork with green peas ~

Lap cheong, mushroom, tauhu, green peas ~~ all mixed together.

Yup, save time, fried vege at the other side ~

Dunno what vegetarian is this, haha ~

~ Lunch - Rice + Dish ~

Rice, fried vege, fried tauhu and sourcy chicken wings ~

Fried tauhu - abit tasteless, failed :(

Nutritious one ~ !

My all time favourite ~

Okay, need to improve more ~ But got to go out shopping now, adios ~


karenc 采茶女 said...

*clap clap* fried fish is the toughest, coz the oil will spilt. Luckily i do not have to fried fish in the rest of my life, wahaha..

The cheesy stuff, can add in some tomato puree, make it italian style. Should be nice. But hor, jin pui lor~

*clap clap* again, 可以嫁了啦~

slinnic said...

yay yay, 可以嫁了... but 1who..
